Hi everyone, my name is Victor Murcia and I am a scientist that is profoundly interested in extracting information and patterns from all sorts of data forms.

I have a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (August 2022) from Washington State University where I specialized in Computational Physics/Chemistry. My research focused on developing clustering algorithms and tensor-based mathematical models for the extraction of molecular orientation in systems targeted for a variety of carbon-based technologies (i.e., solar cells, transistors, LEDs, biosensors, and many others).

I also have a B.S. in Chemistry (May 2014) from the Rochester Institute of Technology with minors in Mathematics and Philosophy.

This blog will serve as a bit of a journal where I can display some of the projects I've worked on as well as detail some of the things I've learned and/or am currently learning.

Feel free to reach out to me via one of the methods below!

Me in the synchrotron